
Build My Future

At Sport2Site, we believe it is extremely important to show young athletes that they can build bright futures away from sport. ​While a career in sports is a dream for many, we understand that not everyone will have the opportunity to pursue it long-​term. Sport2Site was established to educate young athletes about the diverse opportunities available in construction and ​demonstrate that there are enjoyable and rewarding careers away from the field. Our mission is to provide easily accessible ​information about job roles, education, and funding opportunities within the construction industry, aiming to inform, inspire, ​and open doors to new possibilities.

Careers, Education & Funding

We believe construction-related jobs can be grouped into three key categories, reflecting the diverse range of roles within the ​industry: Physical Labour & Trade, Project Management & Design, and Legal & Compliance. Under each category, you'll find a list ​of various jobs related to that area. By clicking on a role, you can learn more about it, including details on the specific job, key ​skills required, education pathways, and where to obtain funding. We have also included insights from former players on the their ​experiences with football, education journey and, career in construction.

Man Wearing Blue Hard Hat Using Hammer

Physical Labour & Trade

Worker in Construction Site

Project Management & ​Design

Gray Concrete Buildings

Legal & Compliance



Professional Lawyer writing on a Notebook

Co​nstruction Lawyer

Surveyor in Hard Hat and High Visibility Jacket with Digital Tab




Engineer Inspection Control Person Working for Industry Safety, Professional Technician in Factory

Bu​ilding Control Officer

Plumber Repairing Water Tank and Water Filter.


Civil engineer inspect structure at construction site against blueprint, Building inspectors jointly inspect the building structure with civil engineer. Civil engineer hold blueprint inspect building.

St​ructural Engineer

Planning project in office

Pl​anning Officer

Electrician working at electric panel

El​ectrical Engineering

Construction project managment

Pr​oject Manager

Occupational health and safety.

He​alth and Safety Officer

roofers installing new roof on house


Engineer and construction site manager dealing with blueprints and projects

Qu​antity Surveying

Occupational health and safety.

Heritage Co​nsultant